One Flower missing in our Family Bouquet
The flowers kept coming in the door. As our family was missing one of our most amazing flowers. As we said Good-Bye to Carrie and shared stories of her giving heart. I am so thankful for the love that our family has for each other. Carrie was a teenage when I was born, however even though we were years apart in age. We were always close in spirit and crafting.
I can remember being a teen and visiting Carrie and Ollie and then Baby Loren. The years have sent our family to many parts of the United States, I am ever so grateful for the Internet that has brought us all closer then ever and into each others daily lives. My love is always with you all as are my prayers. I know that as Carrie reunites with her Parents that one day she will be waiting on the other side of the veil to hug me.
I can remember being a teen and visiting Carrie and Ollie and then Baby Loren. The years have sent our family to many parts of the United States, I am ever so grateful for the Internet that has brought us all closer then ever and into each others daily lives. My love is always with you all as are my prayers. I know that as Carrie reunites with her Parents that one day she will be waiting on the other side of the veil to hug me.