
Showing posts from July, 2012

July Blast

Okay so July was crazy.  It started with company we love it, July 3rd Dante came through and then July 4th Angel and kids came to San Diego.  What a fun time, we haven't seen the Kelsey Klan since 2003.  Angel took care of Ryan while he was in college. Whenever he was sick or needed a real meal she made sure he was taken care of. The Kelsey's also helped to keep his spirit in check.     I am so thankful to her and her family for the joy, support and love that they gave to Ryan. I believe that everyone needs a little Angel in their life to give them extra love. I pray that I can do that for someone else. I have been given that love from others and to honor that I need to pay it forward.    So the Kelsey's stayed for a few days and we enjoyed their company. Had a lot of good food and the pictures were fun. Fireworks that didn't shine so bright here in San Diego. And we discovered that you are never to old for sparklers.     Then MF...


So June has come and gone. And it seems the Becks Bed and Breakfast is now open for guests. In July we are going to see Robert and Lisa. And Angel and the kids. we are so excited.  The house is coming together even though our handy man is slow to get everything I would like done    (Ernie). We are getting  to know everyone in the new ward. Ernie is enjoying getting to know the young men. I am having a fun time with the activity day girls. They seem to like my style.  Almost every time we meet we learn something new both spiritual and crafty.  I wanted to make it fun so that they would want to come and also get the things signed off in their Faith in God books.        We attended the fair twice this year.  Ernie's brother Darrell came to town.  Ernie and Darrell hung out at Disneyland this was the first time Darrell had been. Sounded like they had great time. I used that time to clean house and reconnect with my fri...