
Showing posts from 2015

Summer has Zipped by

Well here it is almost done that is another summer. Lets see what has been going on, Ryan is no longer dating and just building the photography business.  (1000 words photography By Ryan Orion Beck)  just in case you would like to check it out.   Ernie and I went on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera in April and May. We ended our trip with a few days at Disneyland.  I know we are never growing up.   Then we got ready to attend the family reunion in Santa Barbara.  With Ernie working graveyard shifts its hard to get to places on Saturdays, but we work it.  We drove up early in the morning and hit all kinds of traffic but that is LA.  Got to be with the family and so happy that we make that effort to attend. Loads of laughs and pictures later. And drove back to San Diego.  We stopped to have a little dinner with Dawn, Evan and Heather. Then back to the Freeway, no traffic on the way home.     Then July 4th and the fair...

It's Spring already, What happened?

Okay so the year has passed so quick. Ryan is doing a lot more picture taking and dating a nice woman named Natalie. Dante was working in a show in Vegas for the last 6 months of the year. He is now back in LA.  Ernie is working crazy overtime in 2015. It's almost like I live along, thank goodness we make sure to talk every day.   So the year is off to a fast start for Valentines Day we took off for the day and drove to Yuma AZ. What the heck? There is a lot of cool stuff in Yuma, who knew? We had a nice breakfast at the Cracker Barrel and then went shopping to walk around a bit.  I found a few new stores and I am now a fan. We may have to come here more often during shopping hours. We found a great place to stay from the early 1900's "The Adobe House".   We are enjoying our Anniversary this year and birthdays. Ernie and I are looking forward to seeing the MADCAPS Show that Ryan helped choreograph.  That show was wonderful we are so proud of all he has do...