
Showing posts from 2009

C & H

So this is what happened: I found Coleen (Cokey) from high school last year on line. And if you read the blog you know that I went to Tucson Az to visit. Well she has a rough year but came to Ca to visit anyway. She got off the plane on Thursday night; the giggle fest started. Off to dinner at DZ Akins. And then back to the house. Friday morning we went to Julian and had a wonderful time. The weather was about 75 and sunny. A wonderful day to be in the mountians. Then we went to see Bizz perform. Always a good time and only got lost 3 times before we got there. Then Saturday morning to the swap meet and then Coronado. After we scooped up Ernie we went for a walk around Seaport Village. Had a good nights sleep and went for a harbor cruise. (thanks Nick) We that the VIP treatment. And we spend the afternoon in Del Mar at the Harvest Festival. We managed to spend no money. I can't believe all that shopping and no money spent. Let's just say nothing said you have...

State to State to State

That is how it started in CA. on our way to NV. We had a great day on Friday arrived in Las Vegas and grabbed a bite to eat at the Mirage (BLT Burger). Ernie had the Pork and shrimp and I had the Salmon burger. They were both wonderful. Then we went over to the Venetian and the long awaited Gondola ride. Ernie promised one the last time we were in Vegas. This just tells you that I keep track. After that and a wonderful dinner. And a good nights sleep we drove through NV and just a tip of AZ into UT. There we visited with John and Barbara. John 's health is not good, but that didn't stop him from being happy to hang out with Ernie and I for a minute. We love them so much. And we are praying that all is well. After that a quick shopping trip in St George andx Neilson's Frozen Custard. We zip back to Las Vegas. Had a family dinner at the Sahra Hotel. After dinner it was girls night out. Ernie and I joined the CA Ladies and Kyle. We went to the movies, (I can d...

Aunt Honey's for the Weekend

It's Labor Day weekend and hot for Southern CA. But still beautiful. So here we go. Aunt Honey needs her fence repaired or just rebuild. We arrive Friday afternoon and visit for a while, Aunt Honey and Uncle Jeddy have places to go. We decide to go to the mall. And check into our motel. We were hoping for a pool but no such luck. Still we did enjoy the A/C. Then we took Aunt Honey off to Home Depot. Ernie has a plan for the fence but it's all in his head. After some measuring and thinking, he shared his ideas and then we were off.. Saturday morning and Ernie started to work taking out the old fence and then back to the Home depot for supplies. While Ernie was working the women, Monica, Aunt Honey, Lisa and myself went to the store. You know you have to feed the workers. Ernie and Monica's son Andrew were hard at work. I wish I had a camera to share with you the pictures of a 5 year old working with 6'4 Ernie. With Plastic tools. That A...

The Beck's Bed and Breakfast, We are open.

While the summer is in full swing and friends and family have arrived. We welcome them with open arms and food. This week Christine and Family came to town, Even though we had to work were able to spend some time with them. They left on Sunday afternoon and Dante and Monica came by for a quick overnight. Ernie and I look forward to next week When Jennifer and her husband will be in town. As the summer is almost over, So far this summer we have had Rodney's son Michael come to stay. My Dad and Ma came just in time for Father's Day. So this summer it has been light. At one point we thought that Jill and her friends were going to join us. However they only made it as far south as LA. Maybe next year. Ernie and I will have to take some time to go visit Aunt Honey's house (she has the Howard Johnson Room). I guess we are going to have to come up with a cleaver name for our guest room. If you have any ideas please share them with me. Ernie and I ma...

Autism Tree Project

It's the third year that Ernie and I have had the opportunity to serve hot dogs at this picnic. This year we cooked up about 87 pounds of hot dogs. And what a wonderful team we had. I would like to thank them all: Kym Forgrave , Phillip and Connie Gonzales, Lewis Zollinger and the girls in charge of watermelon, Carol McHugh and Lee Chapman. Without them we couldn't of pulled it off. Thanks again. We have already volunteered for the picnic next year. One of the changes will be to add another BBQ. So we can keep the dogs moving and the line. It is such a joy to serve these kids and their families. We believe that when you serve your fellow beings you are in service of your God. This is such a powerful message in an afternoon of fun. Also we want to Thank the Wright and Hoff Families for giving us this opportunity. Our legs and backs feel the pain, as our hearts fill with so much joy that I don't have room enough to receive it. The blessings will be flowing...

All About the Dad's

Well it's Fathers Day weekend and you know the Dad's are looking to be pampered. This year my Dad was in town and of course wanted to see everyone that he could. So we threw a small party of mojo tacos, rice and beans. And of course the best chocolate cake ever. Tyler and Sean arrived and then Casandra , David brought the " Tata " ( Mikaela ) Ernie and I, Ma and Dad, uncle Billy. We had a good meal and a wonderful visit. Oh yea the Dogs Curly Sue and Star. What a wonderful time. I love it when we all get together. Family is fun. I think my dad is the best, of course you could have a different opinon. There is one lesson I pray that I never forget, and that is to always be kind and caring to who ever your child is dating. There have been people in my life that I dated and I know that my Dad didn't like them. However I learned that long after that person was out of my life. My father has taught me to be quick to forgive. And to show kindness. I believe on th...

Autism Tree Project Foundation

It's that time of year again and we are gearing up for another wonderful picnic. This year we plan to cook up about 1000 hot dogs. Ernie and I have a wonderful crew this year and we are blessed to have them. There are loads of new things planned for the picnic this year. Last night was the last planning meeting in the park. Pictures below. Get ready to hear more about it. July 11th at Westminter Park on Talbot in Point Loma. The fun starts at 12:00 and goes to 4:00. Come and join the party and bring your friends and family along.

Ta -Ta For Now

One of the ladies in our office is having breast surgery. So we planned a Ta-Ta for now party. When you go through this kind of surgery are lots of things to think about. One is saying goodbye to your breasts. We made a cake in a tankni. And had some pink treats. Everyone in the office wore pink in one shade or another. There was loads of love and support. It was a hoot. It may be ta ta for now. But the spirit of love and care will go on.

Masters Degree

It's a masters world and Dawn got her Master's Degree on Sunday May 24th. It took awhile but she is thrilled to have finished school. She can spend some time with Evan and Sefa. They are moving from San Diego to Los Angeles. Ernie and I will miss them. And as many of you know how much they have become part of our family. Since they are moving that means that we won't see our Friends the Naeata's from TX as much either. It is our hope that Rona will go to school here in San Diego so that we can stay in the loop. We wish them well and know that visits will be planned. But for now go and start an new chapter in your life Dawn and Sefa and know that you are loved in San Diego. And as always you will be in our prayers. Your sweet spirits will be in our hearts.

The Office Dog Show

I have to say there is no way that I would of thought that real estate and dogs went together. They do in Point Loma in a big way. This past week Coldwell Banker in Point Loma had our 1ST Annual Dog show. It was alot fun and a good way to get out of the office for a few hours. I will post a few pictures just for the fun of it. The judges had a hard job and the awards were great. The dog and owner that look the most alike, best hair, most chocolate and O WOW. To name a few.

It's all about the women

Well this years conference has come and gone. I was there only time enough to attend. I wished I could of visited many of you. I stayed in Lehi this year because my time was short. But I so needed this boost of spirit among women. It was an amazing journey. I am thankful that Ernie is okay with me attending. By that I mean he is willing to be home alone. I am thankful for the spirit that filled my heart even before the opening prayer and the amount of service that is given each year brings the spirit right out of my eyes all wet and full. To note that there were more then 100 quilts tied, school bags made and personal kits, along with scarves made in a day and blankets trimmed. Over 27 thousand hours of service in one day. We as women are amazing. If you are ever feeling low and think that you are not getting things done. Rest assured as a woman it will happen. One quote that I really enjoyed at the conference this year was " When you walk in to the r...

Where are my Parents?

As many of you may know that my Dad and Sandi took a trip to Nebraska. They left sunny Tucson on April 6th and got to the home of Alice and Robert in New Mexico that afternoon. The dogs were happy to be there and to rest and play (Star Bright Diaz) Dad's new puppy sister lives there. So after the doggie reunion, off they went. The next day I called to see where they were. Found them a place to stay in Dodge City. And was told that there is nothing in Kansas. The road was red brick, which I found funny. I thought for sure you would follow the yellow brick road. After a good nights rest and breakfast off to NE. They arrived at Karen's house and checked in with me. They were able to spend some time with Karen's daughters Nina and Selina. They also saw Celeste's Children Selena, Cisco Jr. and Seirra. (just so you get the pecking order) Celeste is one of Rodney's daughters and is maried to Cisco. Karen's boyfriend Donnie was around also. So the weather was great when...

Good times can happen anytime!

There have been lots of sadness in our family lately. We are missing Uncle David already. I know Aunt Honey is feeling the love from all the family that is around her. Just before Uncle David's passing Ernie and I had a dear friend that lost his life to an illness. Our social life is going to funerals . I found this and thought I would add it to the blog. I pray that it gives all comfort for what ever your trials are at this time and maybe whenever you have one. There's no doubt about it: Now and then, difficulties come our way. But they always pass. And in the meantime, you don't have to put joy on hold! No matter how hard things may seem, there are still blessings to count, beautiful memories to make and smiles and hugs to share. Life is still good. Enjoy! For me I will always remember my uncle in the best possible light. He was one of a kind. And our family will truly miss him. Pictures below
The 25 Th anniversary cruise began on Saturday Feb 7 Th . When we arrived on board we went up to the Lido deck to eat. As I was walking across the restaurant , I heard my name and to my surprise there was Shay and Debra. We met them last year on our last cruise. Ernie and I were so surprised and delighted. Also joining us were Bill and Cindy Teysko . They are wonderful and dear friends for the last 20 years. So the begins, Day one dancing and song and fun had just began. Day two Ernie and Bill let Cindy and I sleep in while they walked around the deck of the ship. I did get some time out by the pool and in the sun. Then it was off to Name that tune and Sports Trivia. Country line dancing and the marriage game. We all dressed up for dinner and can I just say Yum. The next day we arrived in Cabo San Lucas, We took the Land and Sea tour; Off on a boat we went to see the arches and lovers beach. To Land's End. Then off to see more of the Land: City Hall and the Missi...

Just to be updated

Hello, I know that I haven't posted in a while. I was hoping to have pictures before I posted. So here we go. Dec 2008 As you can guess with the Holidays it's busy. We had our annual Christmas Dinner. Every year I am amazed that we fit so many people in our living room and this year we had about 23-25. We had a wonderful dinner and I want to thank the boys remembering to bring the food and drinks I requested. And thank you to Debbie for bringing rice. They were a big help. I might do that every year since it worked out so well. I took pictures with everyone as they came it. Pictures to follow. On Christmas morning after opening gifts with the boys, Ernie and I took off to Tucson. Our plan was to help my Dad do some handy man work around the house. So Ernie got busy and Ma and I got out of the way. We went to the Quilters Market. and then to see Cokey and to the movies. We did bring the men lunch. And then met them at dinner. My big Fat Greek Resturant . We had a wonderful tim...